Re: Siphon Techniques (was: Poetry in Motion?)

Chroni Apolloni ( )
Sat, 30 May 1998 10:14:18 -0700 (PDT)


I am pretty serious about it, I just feel sort of tongue-in-cheek not
being an engineer, not having a working prototype even for a very
simple machine, and not even having a name for something.

I like the idea you're talking about, very practical!

Like I was getting at in the "poetry" part, though, I'm having a bit
of a time figuring out how these kinds of ideas would run dynamos in
home use, which is sort of the intent, because power distribution at
present of course has many drawbacks from being an expensive eyesore
to being extremely vulnerable to weather conditions, to being
impractical in some localities where "the grid" isn't already set up.

I can see these things generating power as well as pumping drinking
water on a large scale, with a centralized utility, but decentralizing
it challenges me.

I'd also be interested in ways of driving dynamos from the motion of
water between two reciprocating siphons from two storage tanks at same
level, or discussion of same, and how such things might be made
practical and unobtrusive in the home, if they can be.

I certainly have power strategies that I like better, but I think they
intimidate a lot of people who are even less technically-oriented than
I am. Also, I think a lot of people run a very real risk of being sold
a bill of goods when it gets very far into technical areas.

I'm glad you're working with something that's easy for most people to
approach; again, that's really practical.


Chroni Apolloni

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