Aneutronic fusion

Remy Chevalier ( (no email) )
Fri, 22 May 1998 12:44:43 PDT

Does anyone have any information on aneutronic fusion. Back in 1987 OMNI
magazine ran a story about an inventor funded by the Air Force who
blended two plasma vortexes and claimed OU.

I'm also looking for anything on new energy research applied to
automobile design. Any more news on the car Troy Reed built which was
co-sponsored by actor Dennis Weaver? Troy was shown driving it around in
the documentary Race To Zero-Point from Lightworks, but I've never seen
the car at any electric show.

If I can collect enough good stuff about ZPE in EVs from this list, even
historical data like the car some claim Tesla built but left idle in a
garage somewhere after nobody showed any interest, I'll write an article
for Electrifying Times about the potential of new energy research for
improving EV technology.

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