Re: More on Anti-Time

Mathias ( )
Tue, 19 May 1998 23:16:28 -0700

Hi Jerry at al:
> Not to be outdone, another fakir had an assistant ram a large spear
> through his solar plexus, piercing his body completely and leaving a
> gaping hole through which you could clearly storyteller said
> it was like Goldie Hawn in 'Death Becomes Her' as he saw it on the
> video....tissue was ripped and hanging and blood was pouring
> out....after a minute or so of taping this to get clear footage, the
> fakir concentrated and time RAN BACKWARDS causing the blood to be again
> pulled back into the body, the tissue moved to restore itself and the
> gaping wound simply closed up, leaving NO BLOOD, or scar or other
> mark...

Here is another possible explanation for the phenomenon (I am not sure
how useful to you the following is but, fore whatever worth it is, here
it comes):

In one of the Castaneda books a related event is described (in front of
numerous audiance,a healer, using a sharp kitchen knive, pulls a sick
liver out of the patient's body, cleanses it physically, then put it
back and somehow removes all traces of the cut). Don Juan's (the wise
guy) explanations of the phenomenon were that the healer had enough
energy to move the "assemblage points" of all witnesses present so that
they would all "aligne" to the same, alernative reality. For those not
familiar with Castaneda, and in a few words, the theory is that the
assemblage point is a spot on the outer shell of the luminous body
(aura) where the reality such as we percieve it is assembled; if this
point -or rather disk - is moved into another area of the luminous body,
therefore assembling other of the luminous threadlike things forming the
aura, a new reality is formed. It is said that extreme fright, certain
drugs, prolonged fasts, and such abnormal states, or eneregy surplus,
discipline...and knowledge of this fact will loosened the assemblage
point from the reality we all learn to anchor ourself to, very early on
in life, and assemble a new reality!

If this concept were true, think a second about it's implications on our
concept of reality, science, objectivity, etc.

