Newtonian FTL Craft Question

Terry Bastian ( )
Tue, 19 May 1998 20:28:57 -0400

William this fourm is used in the effort to do 3 things: (perhaps more)
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Well William you need to decide on what acceleration factor you want to
travel at.....

You see speed is a certain distance in a space of a certian time
period....but.... acceleration is the rate that you increase or decrease
speed ..... you can say that speed is feet per second and acceleration is
feet per second per second (or per second squared)....... you can also rate
acceleration in terms of g forces... how many g's do you want the craft to
go (1 g = 9.81 meters/s/s or 32 feet/s/s) That is what determines in a
Newtonian sense how long it takes to get to a specific speed.... Now mass
determines how much force is required to push that mass to that
acceleration factor...... Engine efficency is needed to determine how much
fuel is required to produce that thrust...... and that quanitiy adds
additional mass to that craft, which then requires additional forces of

Terry B....

On 05/18/98 13:20:40 you wrote:
>Well how much mass does this craft have and how efficient are the engines
>and what fuel do they use????

Thank you VERY MUCH for being willing to answer my question! Thanks a lot
and I really appreciate your kindness. Well, lets just say that this is an
ion drive craft.

>What is the thrust to mass ratio of the engines and this craft????

I am not sure... I am not very educated when it comes to these kinds of
things. Could you add in some appropriate values? Anything is ok...

>Are you limited by physical size or is size not a problem????

Well, I am not limited by physical size.... The craft can be as large as
needed to carry enough fuel. I am just interesting in figuring out if time
dilation, mass increase, and space warping does not occur could a craft
carry enough fuel to travel FTL or in this case 2 times the speed of light.

>Just a few base questions that are needed....

Basically, it does not matter what size the craft is, its mass, or what kind
of rocket drive it uses. I am just interested in figuring out how much fuel
it would take for a certain kind of craft to accelerate to 2 times the speed
of light to prove that if there is no mass increase, time dilation, and mass
warping that a craft COULD carry enough fuel to travel FTL.

Thank you VERY MUCH for answring my question. :-) Thanks again!

Best Regards,

Knowledge is the Perfection of FAITH....
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there once was a fellow named Bastian
whose manner was at times exasperin'**
when queried by friends "why?"
he'd reply on the sly;
"if I weren't, you'd need lots more aspirin"

** as in exasperating