Re: Hodowanec (was re: Capacitors self charging?)

Edward Kauffmann ( (no email) )
Wed, 13 May 1998 08:37:30 -0400

Couldn't this just have to do with the humidity of the air and static build


-----Original Message-----
From: Doug Renner <>
To: <>
Date: Wednesday, May 13, 1998 8:12 AM
Subject: Re: Hodowanec (was re: Capacitors self charging?)

>Terry Bastian wrote:
>> The below idea is the basis for the biefield brown effect in reverse and
>> howendec detectors of gravity work
>> gravity is affecting the dielectric and causing the caps to charge....
>My intuitive understanding of the capacitor's function in the Hodowanec
>detector is that an external CURRENT passed through the dielectric will
>fluctuate since the gravitational waves modulate the volume of space
>making the plates move closer together & farther apart.
>(This is reflected in the configuration of the op-amps as "current to
>The capactitor in a Hodowanec detector may be key because the pheonomenon
is so
>small that either a large plate size is required for a noticeable effect,
>perhaps the passage of electrons between the plates may be "relatively"
>unaffected by any space distortion.
>Doug Renner
>A burleycue dancer, a pip
>named Virginia could peel in a zip.
>But she read Science Fiction
>and died of constriction
>attempting a Moebius strip.
>> Terry B
>> At 02:12 PM 5/12/98 -0500, you wrote:
>> >Matthew Redmond wrote:
>> >> This is something that happens to every stationary capacitor I have
>> >> across so far. People who work with really large caps (some Ham's)
>> >> usually told to strap them down when not in use because the voltages
>> >> produce can be rather bad.
>> >
>> >Has a rate of charge collection ever been established? Periodically
>> topic
>> >resurfaces and gets bounced around, but I don't recall if anyone has
>> >quantified the effect.
>> >
>> >No big deal, just curious...... 8^)
>> >
>> >
>> >John E. Steck
>> >------------------------------------o]{:
>> >Rapid Tooling Applications
>> >Motorola CSS, Libertyville
>> >
>> >
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>> there once was a fellow named Bastian
>> whose manner was at times exasperin'**
>> when queried by friends "why?"
>> he'd reply on the sly;
>> "if I weren't, you'd need lots more aspirin"
>> ** as in exasperating
>> -B.K.Downing'1997'-