Re: Oxygen, Pressure and Genius

TeagueFamily ( )
Tue, 28 Apr 1998 11:26:02 +1300

Jerry et al

> Anyway, my lady friend read back the chapter you talked about....instead
> of pumping in oxygen, air was sucked out to relieve pressure on the baby
> and only during the last 10 days of the pregnancy.

Yes, I remember reading a one or two newspaper/magazine articles about
this at the time.

The photograph that still figures in my mind is of a group of ladies
sitting in bags tied around their waists or perhaps above their
breasts... their arms were out and they were reading. Within the bags
were one or two hoops (something like a hiker's tent) over the belly
region. I'm almost sure the bags were connected to vacuum cleaners?

It was an experiment that intriqued me, I didn't know there was a book.

Trust this little snippet helps... Rex