>From: "Michael P. Galloway" <mike@ctaz.com>
>To: jdecker@keelynet.com
>Since the death of the late Bruce DePalma "N" machine inventor I have
>kept his work on the Web as a memorial to him. He was a friend.
> http://www.depalma.pair.com
>The E-mail address to his New Zealand group is now non responding.
>My problem is this, I need to forward his E-mail from students and
>people asking technical questions to someone who can answer them that
>knows what he knew.
I cannot help you with Tewari's address.
I never met Bruce DePalma but had a brief email correspondence with him.
We had arranged to meet together with Millenium Twain on his arrival in
New Zealand, but Bruce died before Millenium got here. I gather that
Millenium was to take over or support Bruce. I have met Millenium just
the once and he said that the affairs were in a mess, so it does not
surprise me if it has collapsed. You may want to contact Millenium and
see if he can be any help - M.Twain <muse@ethos.co.nz>
Don't say that I told you because I am personna non grata with him (in
company with 99% of scientists I suspect :)
-- Ray Tomes -- http://www.kcbbs.gen.nz/users/rtomes/rt-home.htm --
Cycles email list -- http://www.kcbbs.gen.nz/users/af/cyc.htm
Boundaries of Science http://www.kcbbs.gen.nz/users/af/scienceb.htm