Time Travel - Gravity Reduction Claim

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Tue, 21 Apr 1998 11:37:50 -0500

Hi Folks!

The following email was recently sent in;
1st post

A time machine is a big thing to build but I know how. It takes a lot
of wire, electricity and physics, pretty much it is just a matter of
designing the correect shape wire coil. The problem with physics
equations is that they are hard to visualize but I can do it and
teleportation (even easier). If you want to know more contact me.
Of course silly me, said sure, what's the theory?? to which this person
2nd post

Physics is studying particles backwards. Electricity is a result of all
the other particle forces. First of all a current in a wire creates a
rotating magnetic field coil in the wire. Get an electromagnet. An
electro-magnetic field creates a weak rotating gravitational field in
the coil of the electro magnet. You get a gravitational lense which
creates a lessening of gravity inside the coil and a greater gravity
outside the coil.

(This field will be) strongest at the closest proximity of the magnetic
field (or vice versa) depending on the direction of the current flow.

Gravity in turn creates a rotational tachyon field. Since all fields
are relative to the observer, the inside of the tachyon coil will speed
up or slow down time with the opposite effect on the outside of the coil
but the only important effect is to the inside observer.
To which I asked for proof of this amazing claim;
You wrote;
> creates a weak rotating gravitational field coil in the electro
> magnet and you get a gravitational lense which creates a lessening
> of gravity inside the coil

This is testable. Have you tested it to prove that gravity is reduced
inside a coil? If so, what field density (in gauss) and what percentage
of weight was lost compared to outside with ambient gravity?

You have to build on facts and you state this as fact instead of
conjecture. This is one of the problems with the entire field of alt
science, wanting to believe and stating something as such when it is
nowhere near proven.

We need to get away from making such factual claims that have not yet
been proven...if this lessening of gravity claim is true, that alone
could be described as a simple tabletop experiment (PoP)
http://keelynet.com/proof.htm which anyone could build and prove for

Same thing with the 'greater gravity outside the coil', again a testable
claim. Has that also been done?

The closest I know is the late Bruce DePalmas' claim that watches and
such can be affected by large rotating masses.

A more recent post by some fellow over in England stated that pendulum
motion is affected when brought near the axis of a large rotating
mass...I think he means HEAVY or DENSE mass as being more important than

No details were given as to the weight, diameter, thickness, composition
of materials, etc....

In all fairness and not to be picking nits, but if any single item in an
experiment will prevent the claimed phenomena from manifesting, then it
is up to the claimant to provide full details so that it can be
duplicated EXACTLY as the original....from that point, variations can be
made. If the experiment FAILS due to not having all the details, the
claimant is usually relegated to the waste bin of fraudulent or
delusional people.

So, have you or anyone else proven this lessening or weakening of the
gravitational field, if so, what are the exact specifications and amount
of weight loss that was witnessed? Thanks!

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   jdecker@keelynet.com          http://keelynet.com   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187