Wire Info request

Dave ( gravman@netinc.ca )
Tue, 21 Apr 1998 00:20:44 +0600

"Ladies, Gentlemen, lend me your ears"
(what have you got in the bag Ceaser?)
(bag of ears!)

I need some quick info that seems difficult to obtain. Is
there a math conversion difference between AWG and SWG wire

To calculate mm size FROM decimal inches, do you multiply
inch size by 25.4 ?

- North American wire companies use AWG (American Wire Gauge)
- Other companies elswhere use SWG. (Standard Wire Gauge?)
- British use BWG (British Wire Gauge)

Does anyone know fer sure?


--  **************************************************************** *  When a TRUE GENIUS APPEARS, you can know him by this sign:  * *                                                              * *    THAT ALL THE DUNCES ARE IN A CONFEDERACY AGAINST HIM!     * *                        (Jonathan Swift)                      * ****************************************************************