Re:Re: Biasing Events??

Dave ( )
Mon, 20 Apr 1998 00:33:49 +0600

Billy M. Williams wrote:
> No Man! Your socks are taken by the sock aliens who use them for fuel
> for their spacecraft, once they wring out the stench they deposit
> them into your bathtub which looks just like their dirty sock hampers.
> Billy M. Williams
> P.S. This gem of insight came to you courtasy of the T.V. sitcom
> "Married with Children"
Hi Bill!

(cute story, but not the case here)

I'm "biased" to your comments in that "IT IS THE SOCKS" - NOT MY FEET
that stink! You see, the dog does his doodoo thing in the back yard,
romes and stomps all over it, and then the sucker comes in the house
and spreads the krappo stuck to his paws, all over the tile floor!
He even wags his tail while he's doing it!

Of course the next stage of biasing events occurs when I walk around
and unintentionly end up mopping those "spots" up with my socks. The
final stage is when he gets a wiff of those socks when they are no
longer attached to my feet. He must experience some kind of guilt trip
over it, so he does something about it. That's precisely when and why
he picks em up and puts em in the tub! You see now?

I guess I need 100 acres for the little pouche so this kind of thing
don't happen a lottery ... high negative odds, less PoP!
( hey, at least my floors look waxed and SHINY!)

* When a TRUE GENIUS APPEARS, you can know him by this sign: *
* *
* (Jonathan Swift) *