Re: Suppression & Monitoring of F/E

Norman Wootan ( )
Wed, 15 Apr 1998 13:45:36 -0700

Jerry: In case comeone tries to contact Joe Newman, according to the "Chuck
Harder Show" he is now out in Colorado. Word is that he is going to produce
the Newman Motor soon.. Must have gotten an investor. I make this comment
for everytime someone is out of contact the natural assumption is they are
dead. Not the case here. Norm

Jerry W. Decker wrote:

> Hi Folks!
> This was in response to an email about suppression...
> ------------------------
> Well, despite all the claims, I don't think there is much to most of
> these 'death threat' claims....such claims pop up when the inventor
> fails to produce or is otherwise required to prove the claim....usually
> propagated by the inventor, his followers or investors.
> I have known several people who don't work, living off handouts or from
> others who kindly allow them to live or use their property....these guys
> are so devoted to their particular invention, they just lose all touch
> with the realities and necessities of sustaining their own needs.
> If they get into problems with taxes, creditors, the law or otherwise,
> they use it as justification of harassment. IMHO, they create their own
> hell and try to blame others, a common thing nowadays.
> I fully expect an entire cult will spring up around Meyers death, it's
> already started in the conspiracy circles.
> As to Sweet, I never met the man, but I've known Tom Bearden for many
> years, have met and talked with Walter Rosenthal and know Don Watson
> very well, so they have been my main sources of information since they
> worked with Sweet while he was living.
> To tell you the truth, there probably are a few crazies out there who
> would make threats which could easily and falsely attributed to
> government or big business.
> However, I think perhaps one in 200 claims of suppression might have
> some organized basis. Most of these guys are so flaky, they don't have
> sufficient credibility to be worthy of note by any 'organized' group.
> I know for a fact that the conferences are in fact monitored by at least
> one government agency, because I was approached by the DIA to work for
> them (two of them, one whose name was Thompson at a Global Sciences
> Congress about 1988).
> This all happened when a group of about 9 of us were sitting at this
> very big conference table and I was rattling off about something. David
> Fasold had gone out of the room to get a beer and on returning, two men
> were with him, white shirts, slacks, tie, baldheaded, one with glasses.
> I thought they were friends of David (he is the fellow who found what
> many of us believe to be Noah's Ark, well the bibical one as there were
> apparently several arks from different cultures).
> So these two guys sat near my end of the table and listened for a few
> minutes, then this Thompson guy started asking questions about scalars
> and general weirdness, to which I responded and said something about
> quartz switches...he then told me about a Prof. Nunnelly at UTD who had
> developed a quartz switching device that would put out tens of thousands
> of simultaenous frequencies (like a spark gap transmitter) and with some
> power.
> He said Nunnelly, with one stroke, had completely obviated the entire
> Stealth project (radar absorptive paint) and that he and his co-agent
> were coming to Dallas to meet with Dr. Nunnelly and if I was interested
> would be invited to join them. So we talked about that and other techie
> things for awhile and the rest of the group seemed a bit lost.
> Finally, he said how would I like to work for the DIA, I said I didn't
> know what DIA stood for, he said Defense Intelligence Agency. I said
> you have got to be kidding, he said no, he and his partner were there to
> check out this particular alternative science conference, to see if
> there was anything the government should know about.
> He said it was rare to find anyone with any science comprehension at
> such affairs and the DIA and other government agencies were always on
> the lookout for people who could bridge metaphysical/alternative science
> with formal science. He said there was also another couple of fellows
> at this conference from the Navy intelligence group, but I don't recall
> the name of the Navy agencies he gave.
> I asked what would I be expected to do and he said, read, study, attend
> conferences at government expense and report back to them in as much
> detail, correlated with and IN known orthodox science terms so that
> others could get a handle on what was being worked on or claimed.
> It was quite incredible and made a lasting impression on me...however, I
> laughed and declined as I knew that anything that I might learn, I would
> never be allowed to talk about or get involved in because of the nature
> of the job.
> So, I know these alternative science conferences are at least monitored
> and it follows that any inventor with some degree of credibility (a
> working device or working from a theory to build such a device) would
> probably be at least watched.
> Some of us joked about one of these agenices knocking of a good majority
> of 'players' by going to these conferences and mind-controlling the
> bunch, or some other weirdness like bio-weapons, etc.. Like lambs to
> slaughter and we come on our own...<g>...
> Anyway, in my case, I've never experienced the least bit of threat or
> innuendo, except from the unavoidable crazies who infest all aspects of
> life.
> The sooner all these inventors realize that the best protection is full
> and free disclosure to as many people as you can, and copyright the
> document so your name is associated with it wherever it goes, the sooner
> we'll have working devices. This copyright, shareware approach will
> bring the inventor all kinds of acclaim and I think, opportunities.
> --
> Jerry W. Decker /
> / "From an Art to a Science"
> Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501
> KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187