Re: Caduceus coil

Andreas Christian Nagele ( )
Mon, 13 Apr 1998 08:25:48 +0200

Hi everybody,

I am new to the list ;-)

> either. Then undo your splice and start experimenting. Let us know how you
> come out!
I did make a similar coil on the paper-tube of faxpaper with insulated
copperwire. I made about 8 or so crossings of the wire, glueing
the crossings with super-glue.

Did you connect the 2 wires on one end, or do you use this thing
like a transformer with 4 poles?

> It hard to explain without showing you, but maybe this will help. Robert
> Calloway.

This is the interesting part. What did you Do?
Can you describe the weird effects?

I do not have any frequency generator here, so i need to build one.
Any suggestion about frequency-range or square, sine, step-waves?

Maybee i should try first to measure inductance? That wouldn't be
that hard with a 555 circuit i think, but if L is very low,
i might need high frequencies (so my scope would'nt be of use).

Any thougths welcome.


btw. if my english is bad, please correct me so that i might learn something :)