Bright Skies - air (vortex) projectors

Matthew Redmond ( (no email) )
Mon, 13 Apr 1998 10:28:18 +1200

Just remembered the series of articles published in Nexus magazine about
the plasma balls seen over certain parts of Australia. When seen from
underneath they looked like one of those smoke-rings: Toroidal shaped; hole
in the center. The rings even looked like they were being "controlled".

The author even talks in one of the articles about one military base in the
area having a large (tesla?) coil.

The noise of the ring was like a Diesel locomotive. One thing you could
try with the smaller rings could be to tape the noise (if any) that they
make in a sound proof room. Don't know if that would lead to anything
except showing a possible link between the two phenomenon.

Just as a side note, has anyone progressed from smoke, onto high energy
plasma or EM like rings?