Fwd: Re: Superluminal Flight

James Hartman ( jameshartman@tsrcom.com )
Fri, 10 Apr 1998 01:07:48 -0400

>Return-Path: <James_Hartman@calunet.com>
>To: jameshartman@tsrcom.com
>From: James_Hartman@calunet.com (James Hartman), muse@ethos.co.nz
>Sender: James_Hartman@calunet.com (James Hartman)
>Reply-To: James_Hartman@calunet.com (James Hartman)
>Date: Thu, 09 Apr 1998 23:37:02 GMT
>Subject: Fwd: Re: Superluminal Flight
>Organization: CaluNET.com
>X-Gateway: FirstClass Gateway for SMTP/NNTP (Mac68K) version 1.02
>To: Peter Talkenberger
>Yes. Let's talk. It is hard to find people willing to talk to about
>superluminal flight and superluminal physics.
>There is no theoretical limit to spaceship velocity. There is no
>discontinuity at Vc. There is no time dilation. No 'twin effect'. No
>mass increase for a spaceship. Just as an aircraft transitions from
>subMach velocity, through the speed of sound, and incrementally to
>higher supersonic velocities. Same for a superluminal spaceship. No
>discontinuous 'jumps' from zero to superluminal velocity. No 'jumps'
>From Vc to 2Vc or 10Vc or 100Vc. Only a smooth velocity increase, as a
>function of acceleration. [1Vc equals 300,000 km/sec].
>Thus a spaceship accelerating at one gee (one gravity) for one year
>reaches 1Vc. It takes another year of accelerating to reach 2Vc. After
>ten years of 1 gee acceleration it will have a velocity of 10Vc.
>Because the average velocity over those ten years will be 10/2 = 5Vc,
>the distance covered will be 10years X 5Vc = 50 light years.
>To go to Proxima Centauri (4.22 light years) would take 4.12 light years
>at 1 gee. [The average velocity over the first 2.11 light years, the
>turn-around point, would be 2.06 Vc. Same for the decelerating half of
>the trip.]
>Send a human-piloted craft to the center of the Milky Way, some 30,000
>light years distant? To reach galactic center at 244Vc would require
>244 years, with an average velocity of 122Vc. To reach it and stop
>would require 348 years, with an average velocity of 87Vc.
>[I think all these numbers are correct. You might want to check them.]
>Like to hear the ideas from your book.
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>Subject: Re: Superluminal Flight
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