Einsteins 1929 UFT paper

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Wed, 01 Apr 1998 13:34:47 -0600

Hi Folks!

The following is email dialogue with a contact who has a 1929 Einstein
document on the 'Uniform Field Theory'. He is currently translating it
and the plan is to post it on Keelynet.
Thanks for the additional detail....I haven't seen my copy of the
Einstein unified field theory in several months, though I know its
around here somewhere...<g>...I need to get that online but since you
are working on it, that will be a great help.

The one I have that got me so interested in it, says that inertia was
one of the forces that was interchangeable with gravity, magnetism and
electricity. This ties in well with many claims of anti-g and f/e,
specifically Hamel, Searl, Carr, Schappeller and others where spinning
mass or even spinning electrons or magnetic fields produce phenomena
ranging from excess energy to gravity reduction to gravity repulsion.

You see, we all seem to be looking for it....I just want the mechanics,
that is how to do it in a controlled fashion.

So far, I'm pretty sure it all keys in to Keely's concept of the neutral
center of mass...this neutral center is inherent in each particle and as
particles combine, a synthesis of neutral centers creates a greater one,
even to the mass aggregate neutral center....so since they have a
physical diameter, they can be accessed by frequencies....since
oscillation occurs across the diameter of the mass/structure/cavity.

Phase conjugation will allow us to speed up the aether influx into mass,
thereby making it heavier and over time, DENSER....by reversing the
phase, we can slow down the aether influx so that the mass becomes
lighter and even repels (levitates) and over time, will cause the mass
to disintegrate....if the phase is adjusted to resonate perfectly and
this one I'm still working on, the mass balances. I am of the opinion,
partially confirmed by Keely's writing that the influx is bi-directional
in the sense that aether flows INTO mass but also OUT of mass through
some kind of heretofore not understood hyperspace connection.

That relationship, aether in (that goes where?) is what is balanced by
the proper phase. By that I mean when the aether influx matches the
aether outflux, the mass is 'balanced' and essentially not subject to
change. There is a possibility this would produce temporal phenomena
where the mass becomes separate from the time field since according to
Keely, 'time is gravity'.....halt the gravity flow, you halt the time
associated with it.

My main concern isn't temporal tampering though it has intriguing
possibilities with regard to aging, anti-time and general health.

>From the many claims out there which seem to produce phenomena, the type
of energy used can be acoustic, magnetic, electrostatic or

The acoustic version appears to rely on resonance moreso than the
disruptive spikes of electrostatics and magnetics.

The reason for my interest in the 1929 UFT paper is that rotating mass
that is abruptly stopped and quickly resumed, appears to be able to
throw off a 'matter wave' which can interact or deflect aether. So that
is why the paper offers a correlation between the 4 forces, ie magnetic,
electric, gravitic and inertial. Thanks!!

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   jdecker@keelynet.com          http://keelynet.com   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187