Re: MRA/No self running devices?

Norman Wootan ( )
Tue, 31 Mar 1998 07:49:27 -0600

Hi! Jerry: Wise move regarding useing Netscape vs Explorer. Remember, you
have to download the latest update to un-install Explorer completely out of
Windows 95. I am going to un-instsall it for everyone I have talked to have
the same problem I have encountered, that is everytime Java starts under
Netscape it locks up. All believe that there is a glitch built into Explorer
that causes this problem over in Netscape when Java opens. Others have found
that the only solution is to un-install Explorer completely from Windows 95
to solve the problem. Why can't Microsoft create a bug free software? Oh!
BTW what happened to the "double your download speed software" you had posted
to the Web? I went back to download it and pay the $19.95 but it was
gone<g>. Was this a pre-nature April fools joke? Ha! Ha!

Jerry W. Decker wrote:

> Hi Folks!
> That does it, I'm going back to Netscape for my emails....IE4...noted...3
> duplicate messages sent to 92 people...screw that....