Re: MRA/No self running devices?

Bob Aldrich ( )
Tue, 31 Mar 1998 00:25:00 -0800

Jerry W. Decker wrote:
> Hi Bob!
> About Papp.....
> Now don't get me wrong, I wanna believe more than anyone I know.
> But, Papp has been in the public eye (more or less) for YEARS, I mean since
> the 80's, yet still nothing comes of it.
> Isn't that strange?
> I love the theory, that inert gases mixed in various proportions and
> exposed to high voltage will be forced to repel each other with high speed
> and as someone else pointed out, further stimulated by radium or some kind
> of other radioactive material.
> And WHEN we get some kind of research facility here, we WILL do some
> experiments on Papp and a lot of others, not the full blown thing, just the
> PoP to show that the basic principle is sound. And that info and test
> results will be posted at KeelyNet and shared with anyone, publication,
> website, whoever wants to read it, copy it or expand on it....
Next chance I get I will try to get a bit more of a leak for you..

There are other reasons why something workable might not surface and
become known. The society is not going in that direction. There are many
different directions a society can go, and as you know, there are many
sane ideas out there and yet the society doesn't take them up. Why?
Because it's basically NUTS. Where it's controlled at all, if it isn't
controlled by financial or military/industrial interests who steal all
the good ideas from the people, it's distracted by a pack of do-gooders
who would have disabled, gay and other minority people with more rights
than the mainstream to the detriment of all. How could anything
forward-reaching come out of all this? Perhaps only at the point of no
return for humanity will the mainstream will throw up its hands and say

A few of you, you dreamers, see how it could go if only some of these
ideas would get taken up and tried out. But you are swimming across the
current, or UP the current, and that's just not in the cards.. But some
day, there will be a change in the direction of the current itself, and
the doors will begin to crack open to such as we have dreamed for years.
Be ready.

So it's not suprising that a Papp or a Grey or other device gets
nowhere, for its like these people came from another planet where such
things are commonplace, to Earth where the easy is shunned in favor of
the ridiculous. These people don't belong here, but there it is. They
are. Maybe if enough of them can force their way into the public light
and other factors are right, something sensible WILL be done!

Bob Aldrich
Los Angeles