Eather<=>Orgone (was Something you should really examine).

Mathias ( )
Sun, 29 Mar 1998 22:16:25 -0800

Chuck Henderson wrote:
> Hi Roger, Jerry, & Folks,
> Wilhelm Reich did indeed show that Orgone Energy is attracted
> to water and can be concentrated in water.
> As to the question about there being an Orgone/Aether connection,
> IMHO there is sufficient cross-correlation of the attributes Orgone and
> Aether that the terms exchangable. You can call it Aether, Orgone, Odic
> Force, Che, and etc., but you are still dealing with the same primordial
> life force.
Reich also points out to NOR or negative Orgone... does it mean that
there is a negative Eather, Chi...
> Jerry makes a good point about an "Aether Spectrum", perhaps the
> old Earth, Wind, Fire, & Water divisions of the elements weren't just
> something out of an old play.
I my poor/limited world construct, the idea of an eather spectrum cames
only at the next step down the lader of densification toward matter.
Jerry, you need to expend on that spectrum thing...please

Cheers Mathias