Re: Townsend Brown's Electrogravitic Discs and Let me Introduce Myself

Mathias ( )
Sun, 29 Mar 1998 22:00:51 -0800 wrote:
> Everyone,
> Please let me introduce myself. My name is William Hand and I am an 18 year
> old high school graduate. I am interested in computers, science, UFOs/ETs,
> science fiction, advanced technology, movies, television, the internet, etc.
> Let me state that I am NOT very educated right now and most likely I am not
> MOST ignorant person on this list. So I apologise if my posts do not seem
> like they are from a highly educated person. I know very little about
> Physics and Higher Math.

Welcome William:
We all got to start somewhere, and it seems to me that you are getting a