Re: Cycles modulations

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sat, 28 Mar 1998 01:44:24 -0600

Hi Ray!

You wrote;
> Every cycle exists in an environment where there are some
> other influences. These influences generally have a period
> nature to them. I will use as an example the earth's rotation
> as seen from a distance. This example has attributes that
> apply to cases from the very large right down to atomic levels.

There was an interesting presentation put on by a Russian scientist a few
years ago in Russia. He claimed all masses emitted waves, like ripples in
a pond and that when these waves collide, they interferred with each other
to create dimples or depressed areas....he claims this is the source of
gravity...I must say I was quite taken with his paper and secured
permission to post it on KeelyNet sans the formulas at the inventors
request. It is a very rough translation from the original Russian so it's
not something I could just pop online....though I do plan to post
will be amazed...

He says out in space you don't have these proximal ripples from mass, so
there is no distortion of a mass field until another mass comes near it.
As the mass falls from space, it gradually comes within the interference
zones of other, more mass populated
regions, which severely distorts its natural energy field to produce what
we call 'weight'....quite a fascinating theory and one which they claim to
have proven.