Re: Schauberger's Fish Fetish

Billy M. Williams ( (no email) )
Thu, 26 Mar 1998 22:44:43 -0500

> By using a kind of inertial drive motion where a PUSH is projected
> the water flow in a timely fashion, it would create an interference that
> would either deflect or cancel the forward motion of the water past AND
> AGAINST the object, thus CREATING A WELL OF STILLNESS in the water at the
> location of the object.
> This well of stillness makes the object immune to outside inertial
> influences and the principle is pure phase conjugation herein applied in
> mechanical form.

Hmmm...If I'm not mistaken...Could we be on the verge of a theory of
Inertial dampening and or creating Interial Dampeners? This is
fighter planes where the pilot is not subjected to G forces.

This is the testimony of all that I have
seen, and all I have learned...For this
is the Book of the Dead, the Book of the
Black Earth, that I have writ down at the
peril of my life.

--Abdul Alhazred