Re: Sphinx (off topic) - (was: correspondence courses..)

Dr Jones ( )
Sun, 22 Mar 1998 10:18:01 +1200

At 16:55 21/03/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>>Like the Sphinx - that has been eroded by water. But no geologist or
>>climatologist wants to get involved because they'd be lynched by the
>>archeologist brigade.
>I recorded a program on TLC about the Sphinx, and it stated exactly
>that.. A researcher took a photograph of the Sphinx, and masked off
>parts of it, so only the body was visible. He then asked a geologist how
>the rock had been eroded, and the geologist was certain it was water.
>The researcher then removed the tape, and the geologist was shocked to
>see it was the Sphinx.. he had no explanation for it based on the common
>ideas about Egypt and the Sphinx.. including the age of the Sphinx.

Ya, the name of the 2 people involved is John West and Robert Schoch. Now
the difficulty is that human history must be rewritten if these 2 are right.
Which they are. This also raises questions about who/how those monuments
were built. And don't believe that bull about levers and rollers. Its just
not a goer.

The best bit is at the end they showed a picture of the face on Mars at hi
noon, and folded it on the line of symmetry. The human face that we're used
to can clearly be seen when folded over.

But the best bit is when the other half is folded over. Its the face of a lion.

Dance, even if you have nowhere to do it but in your own living room
(the sunscreen song)