Re: Pine Trees

Keith and Shelley Schmidt ( )
Sun, 15 Mar 1998 21:34:02 -0600

You'll also need to be careful how you tap the electricity. A friend of mine used
to "remove" other companies trees if he felt they blocked the view to his company.
He would take 2-3 copper nails and hammer them in to the trunk. The natural flow
of nutrients up the tree caused some toxic formation (copper nitrate I think). The
more water the tree consumed, the more it poisoned itself. However you decide to
remove electricity, make sure it doesn't remove the tree.

How were you going to anyway? I like the idea. Wire up a bunch of trees and maybe
do the ground battery idea. Who needs the grid when you have the forrest.


John Berry wrote:

> Well you may kill the trees if you are not careful, Current flowing down a tree
> will kill it!
> In the other direction it will help in grow!
> John Berry
> Billy M. Williams wrote:
> > Heheheh...ok heres another of my wierd ideas...
> >
> > Lemons are naturally acidic so it's easy to use one to run a LCD clock, the
> > kits to do so have been sold for years. Now...Pine trees are also
> > Acidic....I haven't tested this yet, but I wonder if you can get voltage
> > out of pine trees like lemons?
> > If so...What about a group of 50 to 100 trees hooked up all together?
> > The trees are alive so they should keep growing and providing energy for as
> > long as they are wired up.
> >
> > I warned you I had stange wandering thoughts ;)
> > If only my mind would wander over and see the Big Game Lottery numbers for
> > next tuesday...23 million would go a long way to research things. ;)
> > Billy M. Williams
> >
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > The little boat gently drifted across the pond exactly the way a
> > bowling ball wouldn't.