Re: Gold

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sat, 14 Mar 1998 20:27:51 -0800

Hi Billy!

You wrote;
> Anyway he accidently spilled some sulpheric acid on it. It dried
> overnight and he discovered his mistake the next day, but fortuantly
> he tested it and found to his amazment that it had stored a powerful
> electrical charge.

Sounds more like an electret than a true battery....IF THAT'S THE CASE,
then it would just be high voltage without any useful amount current.

I have seen a document for sale that claims you can build very large
electrets to produce electrical energy....somehow you continually drain
the charge which replenishes from air? That energy is accumulated in
a capacitor network for periodic discharge into a battery network or to a
higher current storage system.

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187