Re: Fish Fingers & Will

Hexslinger ( )
Fri, 13 Mar 1998 22:02:12 -0800 (PST)

On Fri, 13 Mar 1998, Jerry W. Decker wrote:

> So until you can absolutely prove it or absolutely disprove it, realize
> it is ALL opinion. Can you say, 'discussion list'?

Ugh. Don't try to turn this into some kind of slam-fest, because that's
simply not what I was trying to accomplish. Taking all things with a grain
of salt, I find your 'opinion' to be unsubstantiated. 'Will' is a
misnomer, and moreover, merely thinking of an action does not make it so.
It goes beyond that. Proof of concept, Jerry - that's all I ask.

> With regard to 'new age crock'...I clearly stated it was my opinion on
> several occasions. I did not state it was fact in any way.

I appeared you were stating it as if it were fact - I probably shouldn't
have given it the 'new age crock' label. My mistake.