Re: Mechanics of Fasting

Paul Brown ( (no email) )
Fri, 13 Mar 1998 11:55:03 -0700

>I remember reading a study whereby those who ate less during there life
>lived considerably older.

Yes! This is absolutely correct. That is to say, eating a calorie deprived
diet has caused mice to triple their lifetimes. A calorie deprived diet also
improves the health of humans (although no life extension has benn noted).
The calorie deprived diet produces a lean and efficient body, free of most
forms of chronic degenerative disease (cancer, diabetes, etc.). However,
these studies and people in the real world do eat. They do not fast their
lives away.

Also folks associated with not eating, or
>eating very little are known to practice some kind of spiritual
>activities (special breathing, meditation...).

That is because they are dying. The near death experience provides the
"spiritual" experience.

Most people who are
>offended by certain claims, claims defacto claimed as fraudulent, do not
>bother to replicate openly and sincerly the experiment, or even to read
>the material available etc.

Some claims do not require repitition. The claim that I can live forever by
not eating is one that fits this situation. If you believe his chiropractor
has a client whom has not eaten in two years, just been drinking fluids;
then I have some ocean-side lots for sale in Kansas I would like to sell
you. And Elvis lives in Kalamazoo!

I am not trying to insult anyone. Just let's just be realistic. If you chose
to believe everything you are told; that is your business. I however, am not
that gulible. Rather, I demand proof and repitition. Such rediculous claims
can provide neither, and I for one can barely keep my mouth shut when I hear
such nonsense.

>> Give me a break, even Jesus ate.
>Did you mean Joshua?

I will not let this turn into a religious debate. You know to whom I refer.