Re: Mechanics of Fasting

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Fri, 13 Mar 1998 04:49:20 -0800

Hi Folks!

With regard to my last email on this thread;
> But I can see a possibility that a mix of gases could be used to
> sustain the body. Interesting, but Keely said that too, that we
> extracted energy from the gases we breathed....I'll have to dig up
> the reference, I always considered it a very arcane statement in
> one of the few papers that he actually wrote.....that survived..

The following is removed from a file called MOLESTRU.ASC;

The human brain being formed of an inestimable number of spherical
resonators, termed in medical science NERVE CELLS, forming the gray
matter of the brain, these minute spheres take up the THOUGHT FORCE
which permeates all space in endless waves, eternally active.

This force we term ATOMOLIC; the cells are composed of ATOMOLES, whose
vibratory motions under the action of universal THOUGHT FORCE result in
the phenomena of thought, cognition, intellection, etc.

Understanding this, no one should continue to feel surprise at the
varying emotions and impulses of a human being in an undeveloped state,
as only by developed WILL can the motions of this force be directed.

The entire human economy, in the action of all its functions,
assimilations, and motions, is the result of differentiation of this
unitary force, all tending to supply the instrument connecting the
organism with this force (the brain) with certain gases whereby it
sustains its ceaseless action from birth to death: these gases supply
the rotating envelopes with necessary substance for their continued

Were this supply cut off, death would immediately ensue; it is a fact
well demonstrated that the resonating brain-structure is the first to
undergo decomposition.
Now, I don't see that he is saying you have to actually forego food
entirely, just that if you don't have these gases to sustain the rotating
envelopes, the organism dies...

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187