More Aether Thoughts

Matthew Redmond ( (no email) )
Fri, 13 Mar 1998 13:10:48 +1300

There is a lot below that I am not comfortable with and would like some
feedback on it. (hey that's what this list is for, isn't it?)

Thought 1): Only a finite number of aether units can exist in a given area,
eg 100,000 units in a 1 meter by 1 meter by 1 meter volume of space. (in
reality I wouldn't like to hazard a guess at the number).

Thought 2): If you have an object in the area described in thought 1 which
attracts and is fed by certain frequencies of aether, then in this area
there would there be a higher % of this same certain frequency giving
aether. ie a slight imbalance.

In a vacuum tube with no air or objects in side of it, there would be
nothing to attract or to repel aether units of certain frequencies, so
there would be an equal number of all types of aether, ie balance.

Thought 3): If each type of unit gives of a different electromagnetic (or
frequency, then in air with a "frequencies out of balance" type
aether, a free energy device that had to tune in would find it hard because
the area would be fine and hard to tune in correctly. You could pick up
the "beats" but they would be faint compared to .....

Thought 4): If you tried to tune your free energy device in a vacuum with
the aether being in a certain frequency range, you would pick up power a
lot easier and if you tuned right in the centre of the range you would not
only pick up on a direct source of one type of aether but of the beat
frequencies of the aether around it...

Like Robyn used to say in Batman "Holy theory on the aether, Batman", ie
this theory has more holes in it than your average golf course! But that
was theory one...I will quickly brush over the next one.

Take our rock. Does it really attract certain types of aether, or does it
repel the rest? If so then our rock is in actual fact there because of a
lack of other types of aether. (Or is this just a re-wording of above...oh

If objects represent a lack of aether, then another thought comes to
mind..... If you take the colours of the rainbow and combine them, you get
white light, right? Well if you combine all the frequencies of aether do
you get a vacuum?

Also going back to thought 4, perhaps seeing there is no other attracting
influence in the vacuum, the aether has only one way to go...maybe...I
don't know!

I am sure there are a lot of people out there ready and waiting to
reply....yes I am sure...maybe I'm sure....please respond...hello?


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