Re: Aether Comments (1 of 2)

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Wed, 11 Mar 1998 17:48:20 -0800

Hi Bob et al!

I think your question about where aether inflows GO is incredibly
important as it might give us an understanding of if there is a
bi-directional flow.

Bob Halsey posted the following questions;
> The general idea I am understanding is that the Aether is an "all
> permeating" material that is "flowing" into all objects and it is
> this flow that functionally creates gravity. Fine, but it generates
> a few questions in my mind.

> 1. Is this "flow" a Fourth dimensional flow, or a Three dimensional
> flow? This is based on the concept that if I hold a solid cube
> in my hand, and all this Aether is flowing into it (to cause its
> "mass=weight"), then where is the flow going? Ie. The 4-D
> question.

>From the file;
>> A vacuum TRANSMITS radiation AND force fields, so to refer to it as
>> being empty is INACCURATE. Real emptiness MUST include in its
>> definition reference to its INABILITY to PROPAGATE energy. Such may
>> be better termed "hyperspace". As to whether hyperspace has the
>> dimensions of space and time OR NOT is a topic for more thought. It
>> is easier to attribute the dimensions to THE SPACE FABRIC IN
>> hyperspace, THE ETHER.

>> The idea of an energy continuum throughout space occurred to Dirac.
>> On the basis of his theory, matter particles emerge from a ground
>> state and become PHYSICALLY OBSERVABLE. Material ABOVE the ground
>> state has a HIGHER ENERGY than the ground state and so REQUIRES ENERGY
>> to be dislodged.

The place the aether flows has been referred to as 'hyperspace'. Para
means' beyond or supplemental', and hyper means 'excessive'. I view it
as a kind of mirror/inverse dimension much like Maurice Cooke claims.

Where positive (radiating) energy, when it moves from 3space to
hyperspace, becomes negative (absorptive) energy....and when positive
energy moves from hyperspace to 3space, it becomes positive energy.
Cooke claims inert gases serve as hyperspatial gateways to allow energy
flow between our 3space and hyperspace, he calls these 'primary points'.

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187