Non-Constructive Responses

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sun, 08 Mar 1998 03:29:32 -0800

Hi Folks!

Well, a bit perturbing to see such slams without anything in the way of
useful information being posted. John Berry expressed it best with;

> We must work on the concept that there must be things that could be
> true and that just because something is unfamiliar to us and or it
> happened a long time ago that it does not mean that it should not be
> considered to be true on occasion.

This is after all a discussion list for alt tech subjects...I see claims
of walking on water (whatever the source and I'm an avowed agnostic) as
worthy of at least speculation on how could this be done??

What force would have to be applied or cancelled to allow reproduction of
such a feat as walking on water? (no pun intended)

No sense in attacking someone's statement just because there is no
tangible much of what we are taught as being so in school
have we actually checked out and proven for ourselves??? Damn little I

We should apply the same willingness to at least discuss the claim and
see if there is any way it can be explained, particularly if it could
point to some way to duplicate it....a thinktank of sorts using the
'now how would I do that?'

Rather than just going off the beam and insulting the email comment or
person who sent it....such responses have no future and serve no purpose.

AGAIN, keep in mind, what you send is reflected to 85 other subscribers
who are here looking for useful information or discussions that would
provide a new, novel or past approach to trying to produce controlled

Also, with the addition of the archive, the audience for this list has
now expanded to anyone who happens to read the your
comments should be considered well before you hit that send key.

I find when I am disturbed by an email, I try my durndest to hold off on
sending any IMMEDIATE response, because I recognize it will be colored
with my SUBJECTIVE opinions, rather than the more rational and thoughtful
OBJECTIVE opinions. If it continues to tick me off, I just ignore it.

So, if some comment ticks you off or rattles your chain, hold off awhile
or better yet, if it can't be constructive, just send it to the person
DIRECTLY and NOT to all of the other 85 people on the list (plus the
archive readers!!) .....T-H-A-N-K-S-!

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187