Re: Something you should really examine.

Hexslinger ( )
Wed, 4 Mar 1998 23:09:15 -0800 (PST)

On Wed, 4 Mar 1998, Jerry W. Decker wrote:

> Hi Chris et al!
> As to the discussion about the source of Atlantis, wasn't it Plato who
> wrote the best and most reliable description of it? That is long in the
> past for me.

Plato was the first to write the accounts down, yes. His accounts were
recorded in Timaeus and Critias (intended to be part of a Trilogy, but the
trilogy was never completed). These are actual historical accounts -
not the fiction trumped up by pop culture. His records are from Critias,
the son of Solon (the one who traveled to Egypt and first learned of
Atlantis) - and from Critias the notes passed to Plato, who recorded them.

However - to use everyone's apparent lack of knowledge as a justification
for wild accusations about the origins of monolithic structures as being
constructed by the peoples of Atlantis (when there is now evidence that
they were not capable of such a feat) is simply ignorant. Again, you mind
if I post the text in question to clear all doubt? [After all - you got to
admit - it will lay a lot of useless speculation to rest - and one of the
worst enemies of progress is WASTING TIME. We're wasting our time here
speculating upon whether or not Atlantians built the monoliths - this will
clear that up. I don't know who wrote the file in question - however -
his conclusions are sound, and can be verified by anyone interested --
so what do you say?]