Re: Daniel/Keely; Special ability to create energy.

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sat, 28 Feb 1998 03:48:46 -0800

Hi Mathias!

You wrote;
> We believe that we are separate from "the world outside" yet the
> science of quantum physic shows us that the act of observing
> influences the observed.

Agreed, one of my favorite movies is 'Phenomenon' with John Travolta.
When he moves things by bringing his hand close to it but not touching,
he explains it to the scientists that he 'asks it' to move....the human
will convinces the matter to 'agree' to work together.

Keely talked about something he calls a 'sympathetic attendant'....he
indicates this to be a conscious extension of the 'cerebellic field' into
other mass, even inanimate mass, to influence its properties or

I've seen a thread in the asking if energy
is alive....but it decayed into semantic arguments about what is
life...not such a bad thing, but they got so caught up in the argument,
they forgot about what started it...<g>...

So, if the aether is omnipresent, is a pressure that squeezes all mass
together and holds us to the earth by virtue of being 'caught in the
flow'....then if aether is susceptible to the mind or will, you would be
able to perform practical telekinesis, MANIFESTATION, transmutation, time
flux alterations and other so-called psychic abilities.

This would include something as peculiar as creating a physical path
(coils, a machine or circuit that would offer the least interference to
aether flows as it was 'translated' to electricity, magnetism, sound or
mechanical force), inducing an initial flow of the ather THROUGH the
device and able to sustain a load that was slowly introduced.

This IMHO is necessary to prevent sapping or detuning the circuit....I
have heard this from a couple of guys who claim you can't just pull out
1KW or more, you have to nurse it to the higher energy levels....

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187