Re: Magnet/Polystyrene Experiment

Matthew Redmond ( (no email) )
Wed, 25 Feb 1998 14:07:18 +1300

I tried it again and came up with some more results,

It works best when set up like this:

ns, ns, sn, sn, sn » or similar.

The beads with a higher charge tend to have a stronger stick.

When the magnet is shaken to remove the beads, the ones at the point where
the fields oppose tend to take longer to shake off.

The beads I just used a minute ago were fairly "life less", so I'll try
again later.

NOTE: Can someone else please try this, I need to know because a while ago
I had a metal shaving "accident". Suffice it to say that walking bare foot
is not advisable in some areas! I am careful at cleaning magnets and have
black flecks of metal imbedded in my fingers to prove it! That is the main
reason for asking someone else to try it. I have tried "Clean" magnets and
"Clean" polystyrene, but still when it comes to things like this you've got
to be %300 sure.

Just don't want to be one of those people that start exaggerating things
when the story gets "out of control".

Thanks heaps,
