Re: Peter Guy Manners Meeting

Helen Hendricks ( )
Sun, 22 Feb 1998 13:47:06 -0600

CJT Enterprises one wrote:
> Helen,
> I shall definitely call Tuesday! BTW where can I order those books and
> videos? I am changing my web page now. Adding some new features and a
> new look. I want to add an alternative medicine section and this sounds
> absolutely phenomenal!!
> Thanks again for the contact info!
> Chris
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Chris when you speak with Peter on Tuesday, you might want to ask him
about his books, let him tell you how he thinks that will be best, and
we will see what he has to say....Jerry Decksr sure described him
correctly....i for one am very very grateful to Jerry Decker for all he
has done to make all of this available through KeelyNet not to many
people could or would put it together and then share it...there seems to
be a little pure Keely in