Re: PoP/Searle

Bill McMurtry ( )
Sat, 21 Feb 1998 09:53:09 +1000

At 02:08 20/02/98 PST, you wrote:
>Jerry et al,
>Concerning K.I.S.S.. I would like to describe what I read concerning
>the Searl effect in Rho Sigma's Ether-Technology.


>Now a couple of question:
>1)What did he use in the original?
>2)Can it be demonstrated again?
>3)Why does he now claim to need expensive magnets when he first achieved
>the effect cheaply and at a very low cost?

>I think if these questions are answered we can both solve the free
>energy problem and the antigravity problem.
>Any ideas out there?

Hi Chris,


1)Who knows? (not even Searle, it seems)
3)Because the whole Searle "cult" is based on absolute, complete and utter
fantasy! Know anybody who can make sense of any of it?

A wealthy friend of mine, here in Australia, researched Searle in a BIG
way. He went to England and stayed with the man. He spoke with the man's ex
associates, contacts, etc, etc. After great effort it turns out that the
man is an excellent "in it for life" loon. It seems some people just have
to go down in the history books for something. Anybody gathering ALL claims
made by Searle over the decades will immediatly notice one thing: THERE IS
NO EVIDENCE and NOTHING IS CONSISTANT!..... What more proof do we need -

Regretfully, Bill.

P.S. Is'nt it fascinating to see Searle pull the biggest crowds and the
most interest at conventions and symposiums. The bigger the yarn, the
bigger the crowd?