Fw: Subliminally Seduce Women Instantly!

Ken Carrigan ( (no email) )
Fri, 20 Feb 1998 16:07:41 -0500

Thought this was from the Netlist...but with such a title?
Anyhow, thought you all might be interested in mind control
stuff.... Sorry is any women are on the list. (-:

v/r Ken Carrigan

>Win over any woman you want in less than an hour.
>Start dating women that until now were 'out of your league'
>As incredible as it sounds, it is now possible for you to
>achieve in minutes, what typically takes most men days, months, and
>sometimes even years to accomplish...SEDUCING A WOMAN!
>Read this. Then visit our web site to learn the FACTS!
>Scientists worldwide agree that, in certain applications, subliminal mind
control can accomplish amazing
>things. You might have heard how in the 1950s subliminal advertising was
used in movie theaters to induce
>an unnatural craving for popcorn and an unquenchable desire for Coke.
>There are many types of subliminal thought control. Certain subliminal
>influence techniques work AMAZINGLY well, while others hardly work at all!
>If you don't think modern subliminal technology can change your life, THINK
AGAIN! For less than the cost of
>a single good meal you can instantly and permanently change the way women
treat you. GUARANTEED!
>If your luck with women has been anything other than GREAT, find out the
FACTS by visiting our web site.
>Once you have received and tested one of our audio tapes you will be
>Don't make the mistake of confusing the antiquated technology used in the
past with newly developed digital
>mastering techniques. We have spent years developing computer enhanced
techniques that enable us to
>produce mood altering products that work on any woman, anywhere, anytime...
>You cannot turn women into mindless sex slaves with this or any other
>technology. You can, however, induce at will, natural urges that would
otherwise lie dormant. It is simply a
>fact that any natural human desire such as sleep, hunger or sexual impulses
>by using subliminal commands.
>When you play these recordings in the presence of any female who has a
normal sexual appetite, look out!
>She won't know what has come over her! It is completely undetectable!
>Even women you barely know, when subjected to this invisible aphrodisiac
will find you more interesting
>and better looking. They will find themselves mysteriously drawn and
sexually attracted to you.
>Each of our musical recordings comes with a second 'demo' tape (free of
charge) that has the subliminal
>messages brought forward for you to hear loud and clear. Don't let your
girlfriend hear this one!
>WARNING: We have given you the opportunity to be more
>successful with any woman you choose. If you do not at least check out the
facts for yourself, you will
>only be cheating yourself out of
>happiness and romance.
>To find out more about these AMAZING tapes at our web site at:
><a href="http://www.inetproduct.com/index.html">Click Here</a>
>or, if your mail-reader supports hyperlinks,
><a href="http://www.emptyshell.com">Click Here</a>
>This message was sent by Overseas Internet Promotions, Inc.
>of Miami. If you have a product or service you want to market
>on the Internet, call us today @ 305-668-7502