Re: [Fwd: Re: Pat 5,590,031.. ZPE to Electrical Energy]

CJT Enterprises one ( (no email) )
Fri, 20 Feb 1998 06:23:02 PST

Hi All,

>Hey, I'm an engineer and they are known to be the worst
>spellers...and managers for that matter....
>v/r Ken Carrigan

This is very true. My dad is an electrical engineer from Texas A&M. He
worked on the F15 autopilot and the Mariner spacecraft telemetry. I
bounce my ideas off of him to keep grounded in reality. Right now I am
designing a Scalar Beam "weapon" based on the Mark McCandlish interview
on Art Bell this week. (Goto his site to find it :
"" go there anyways if you havent been it was
thanks to this program that I found all of this info.)

Does anyone know how to determine where to intersecting scalar waves
will meet in phase?


<a href=""> Chris Thomas </a>
<a href="">
Alternate Energy Research Project</a>

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