Re: PoP

CJT Enterprises one ( (no email) )
Fri, 20 Feb 1998 02:08:36 PST

Jerry et al,

Concerning K.I.S.S.. I would like to describe what I read concerning
the Searl effect in Rho Sigma's Ether-Technology.

When he worked from Midlands Electricity Searl was doing work on
electrical motors and generators when "he noticed that a small EMF was
produced by spinning metal parts-the negative towards the outside and
positive towards the rotational axis. In 1950 he experimented with
rotating slip rings and measured a small EMF on a conventional meter,
He also noticed that when the rings were spinning freely and no current
was taken, his hair bristled.
His conclusions were that free electrons in the metal were spin out
by centrifugal force, a centripetal force being produced by the static
field in the metal. He decided to build a generator based on the
principle. It had a segmented rotor disc, passing through
electromagnets at its periphery. The electromagnets were energized from
the rotor, and were intended to boost the EMF.
By 1952, the first generator had been constructed and was about
three feet in diameter. It was tested in the open by Searl and a
friend. The armature was set in motion by a small engine. The device
produced the expected electrical power, but at an unexpectedly high
potential. At relatively low armature speeds a potential of the order
of 10^5 volts was produced, as indicated by the static effects on near
objects. A characteristic crackling and the smell of ozone supported
the conclusion.
The really unexpected then occured. While still speeding up the
generator lifted and rose to a hieght of some fifty feet, breaking the
union between itself and the engine. Here it stayed for a while, still
speeding up and surrounded itself with a pink halo. This indicated
ionization of the air at a much reduced pressure of about 10^-3 mm Hg.
More interesting was the side effect, causing local radio receivers to
go on of their own accord."

Now a couple of question:
1)What did he use in the original?
2)Can it be demonstrated again?
3)Why does he now claim to need expensive magnets when he first achieved
the effect cheaply and at a very low cost?

I think if these questions are answered we can both solve the free
energy problem and the antigravity problem.

Any ideas out there?

<a href="">Chris Thomas</a>
<a href="">
Alternate Energy Research Project</a>

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