Re : Telomere Melodies?

John Berry ( )
Thu, 19 Feb 1998 14:26:48 +1300

While that sounds like a nice idea, Do you have any statistics?
There seem to be lots of people who have been negative all their lives but
live to a good age, and so while I am sure that it effects ageing I don't see
how it could be the sole cause, You would think that there would be one in a
billion who would have so little negative thinking that they would hardly age
and that there would be many who hate and be so negative so much that they
would be 60 at 30 years of age.
This would also mean that people in nice tropic climates would live longer
than people in windy cold places who have to fight the weather all the time.
The effect would appear not enough pronounced, although almost all people that
look old are grumpy so maybe you have something ;-)

John Berry

Dan A. Davidson wrote:

> HI All,
> According to my understanding, aging is due to consciousness. The negative
> patterns in mind and feelings generate the destruction of the body.
> Besides, if a person is not constructive they are serving no real usefull
> service, only adding to the world's suppy of negative energy, and need to
> get out of the body and get rejuvenated and come back and try again.
> Dan
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