A new approach to the list (BUTCH)

Wed, 18 Feb 1998 01:31:45 EST

My mail box has been full of posts from people upset that the web site is no
longer up. Also that I was not posting my crazy ideas on the list anymore. So
I have come up with a new approach. I will post my web address once every week
or two, so as to not take up any list space with constant posts. Then anyone
who wants to share ideas or ask questions can email me direct and I will
respond to them direct so as to not take up list space. I will make a list of
these people and cc them on all posts. From time to time (Once every couple of
months) update the list with a short post. This will save a lot of people on
the list from getting posts they don't want. I have money to start serious
prototype building now. Will start on the "Big A" first. It is on the web site
now and a theory of operation is being put together now. I also will be
uploading a dynamic coil theory I have always wanted to get some input on.
Here Is the web address.
<A HREF="http://members.aol.com/HLafonte/LaFonteGenerator1.html">LaFonte
Generator Home Page1</A>