Re: Graduated Forcefalls

John Berry ( )
Tue, 17 Feb 1998 20:17:29 +1300

Hexslinger wrote:

> Yes. So in other words - what you're saying is that the aether is a
> paradox. Every effect in the aether has to be/had to be started by
> something. That is what is sounds like you're saying... that the existance
> of the aether is a paradox.
> If that's NOT what you're saying, then perhaps you'd like to clean up your
> speech so I can understand you? (Oh yeah, remember: time, gravity,
> and inertia all come from electromagnetics. All energy comes from the
> aether - and returns to it.)

That is not what I am saying, what I am saying is that if the aether is space (the only
space that exists) as you say, Then it can't exist in space as it IS space and so it
can't have spacial properties.

That is a logical fact that is true of anything.

John Berry