Re: ELECTRO-MEDICINE: New Hope for the New Year

Hexslinger ( )
Sun, 15 Feb 1998 18:01:20 -0800 (PST)

On Sun, 15 Feb 1998 wrote:

> Thought the list would find this of interest. The second url has many other
> link ref on patents etc.
> Chris Gupta

[*BIG SNIP*] :)

That brought up an interesting thought (here comes another can of worms):
if minute amounts of electricity can kill an organism in the body, that
would indicate that such organisms can only tolerate living in a VERY
SPECIFIC electrical environment. Here's where I come in -- I'm wondering,
could this possibly relate to fevers? I mean - can anyone explain the
body's actual mechanism for causing a fever? How would the heating or
cooling of the blood by even so much as a few degrees effect the
conductivity of the blood? Could it be that the fever isn't trying "boil"
virii and bacteria and so many textbooks erroneously suggest (I say
erroneous because even if my assumption proves wrong - the assumption that
fevers are meant to 'boil virii/bacteria away' is also totally wrong), but
rather a fever is the body's attempt to alter the conductivity of the
blood, and hence, attempt to cause foreign virii and bacteria to be
rendered useless? [Of course, this thing brings up the question of how
would the body be capable of doing so without damaging it's own tissues.]

Is this ringing bells for anybody? Common, I know somebody's in the know
here... :)