Re: re:Bloch wall movement

Ken Carrigan ( (no email) )
Thu, 12 Feb 1998 20:53:12 -0500

>There is a profusity of information around on Sweets claims, experiments
>and devices.

I'm well aware that there is a whole lot of info out, but I'm looking for
that have had some suscess in getting 'some' results.

>I will dig out the info I have on Sweet, Don and Mike, and get it scanned
>if you are interested. It would seem that the 'secret' (shit, I hate that
>word!) of Sweet's device is in the magnet 'conditioning'. Also the use of
>Barium ferrite magnets is strongly recommended by these guys (something to
>do with Ohmic resistance needing to be high?).

Sure like to have the stuff that 'semi' worked or worked. Heck, for that
it would be nice to know what did not work in order that any of my
do not coincide with the non working ones. It would also be nice to know
simply for an understanding of the theory behind what Floyd might have
accomplished. Thanks (-:

v/r Ken Carrigan