Re: Homopolars

Kenneth Carrigan ( (no email) )
Thu, 12 Feb 1998 11:59:54 -0500

>Despite Don Lancaster blasting homopolar generators, I think there is
>something to it because I admire Tewari and believe him. It would be
>great to travel over to India and check out his experiments...he was
>claiming an AC version that I've not heard about in a couple of years.

This is my little baby, if you pardon the terms. The math and theory
is contained on my web site, but it takes $$ to build a working
device. I know this device could produce overunity but carefull
contruction and optimization of the devices parameters must be
accomplished in order to achieve overunity. I would expect Tewari
took these principles into account and achieved overunity.

>From my calculations, the B-Field would have to be very high, not
just high, in order to achieve overunity. This, of course, also
would produce KW's of power output. I don't think you could
scale it down to just produce 1W or even 10W and have it
be an overunity generator. It is sort of like an MHD generator,
where this puts out Megawatts efficiently.

Do you have details/data on Tewari device so I can put them
into my equations and see if theory holds true?

v/r Ken Carrigan