Re: Wesley Gary

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Wed, 11 Feb 1998 23:28:13 -0800

Hi Folks!

About the claims of Searl...he told my friend Reuben Joswiak that the
elements that are used to make one of his 'special' magnets were arranged
or layered in such a way that a spiralling magnetic field of increasing
intensity was created....kind of like a screw....I tried to get Reuben to
write all that down THEN, but he never did...

Searl said the each element had a bit of a magnetic spiral naturally
associated with it and this information was supposed to be in the books
of the square that he and John Thomas wrote. I have all those, but can't
make a lot of sense of them.....

>From the way Searl described it to Reuben....once these elements were
PRESSED together in a special sequence, the spiralling field could be
used to create a self-driving magnet as was used in the Searl flying

After building the TOMI, which by the way, stands for 'theory of magnetic
instability', I am inclined to think Searl really does know something.
Hamel's spinner also took advantage of this magnetic instability as does
the mythical SMOT (which is based on the TOMI though never credited as
the source).

As to Sweet, Don Watson who now lives near Baltimore is the one who
showed me (and others) the programmed magnets...if you take a 4 X 6 slab
BaFe magnet that is polarized with N on top and S on bottom, the bloch
wall/equator is about the middle of the edge, which you can see with flux
viewing plastic. Once programmed with this bubble, the bloch wall MOVED
UP the edge and INTO the top surface by about 1/4"....which effectively
altered the 'duty cycle'....i.e. where originally it would have a ratio
of 50 : 50, it now has a ratio of 70 : 30...and you can do it so that
either the South or North is preponderant...(don't get to use that word
often..<g>..) it ain't a monopole but now you have one polarity
that is STRONGER than the other....interesting, eh?

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187