Re: Wire - O/U & Negative Resistance

Mathias P. ( (no email) )
Mon, 09 Feb 1998 22:51:21 -0800

Jerry W. Decker wrote:
> Hi Folks!
> At the last Roundtable, Norman Wootan said he has come to the conclusion
> that iron wire might have been the secret to many past free energy type
> devices. I asked him if magnet wire was the same and he said no. It
> seems there is some kind of magnetic permeability associated with various
> wires, copper, aluminum, iron, etc. which might serve to aid the
> conduction of energy in such a way that there was essentially no
> impedance....well, that's the way I understand it.
> Norm, if your getting this, please clarify since it is your idea.
> The idea of no resistance would mean the circuit would be able to conduct
> anything injected into it with no resistance, from electrons, magnetic
> fields or wave interference (as in phase conjugates, back EMF).
> The idea of a negative resistance would mean the wire/circuit would
> literally SUCK the energy into it. This is what I was getting at with
> the recent post about the guys at the Tesla Conference claiming they'd
> found that sound could be injected into a cooling mass, such as a wire,
> to produce a low level Bose Einstein Condensate, where all components of
> the mass aggregate would be essentially polarized to that they resonated
> 'as one'....Keely's 'Graduation'.
> Yet another reason to look into making an adaptive circuit that would
> auto-tune power source frequency to the load for maximum power transfer
> using the least energy.....hopefully approaching a unity gain condition.

This reminds me of experiments with water flowing through variously
shaped pipes that were conducted at the University of Stutgart in the
50's. In certain conditions (a given flow into a given pipe shaped into
a given spiral) the friction of the fluid against the pipe would become
negative! i.e OU. Got this from Living Water: Viktor Schauberger & The
Secrets Of Natural Energy by Alexandersson, Olof
Often we can translate electrical phenomenons into fluid dynamics (i.e.
the difference in elevation is akin to the Voltage, etc.) Perhaps
making coils in conical shape will yield interesting results. IMHO
there are 3 ways we can trick system into resonancies: 1 via its
geometrical shape(s), 2 via its material/chemical composition 3 via the
imposed motion(wave)upon/into the system (i.e a fluid or electrical
current running through the system at certain frequencies or rates).
For exemple, the outside geometry of the system could echoe the
crystaline structure of the material(s) it is made with; which in turn
could beat with the frequency(ies) of an applied AC current or of light
spectrum emmited. The more components of the system are in tune, the
more resonancies and their interesting byproducts should be present.

Food for thought