Sternheimer questions

Jean-Pierre Lentin ( )
Sun, 8 Feb 1998 18:28:15 +0100 (MET)

Hi Jerry & all !

More musings about music and molecules...

> Could you explain how he derives the notes that make up a signature
> (series of notes in a musical verse, i.e. specific frequencies and their
> timing to each other) for the various proteins melodies???

Ha ! Got me ! :---) Joel explained a lot of maths in his seminars...
Klein-Gordon equation... Hamiltonian operator... Taylor series... homothety
parameter.. Lorentz group... Fourier conjugate....Most of it is beyond me.
I'm just a science writer ! Anyway he had some software made and now
everything is done on a laptop, starting with data from biochemical CD-Rom
databases. But I doubt his software would be easily available.

About the timing : there is no timing originally, no rhythm, just a
sequence of notes of equal duration. When this is translated into recorded
sound (played on a synthesizer), the human decoder, be it Joel or someone
else, adds a timing, usually a simple rhythmic structure, intuitively, to
make it more musical. Whether this influences the effect is not known.

> If you've ever seen the work of Hans Jenny which led to Cymatics,
> you know that sound does indeed rule the universe in ways we barely suspect.

Interestingly, the last Hans Jenny experiments, in order to get 3D shapes,
used no audible sound, but "sound-range" frequencies transmitted as
mechanical plate vibrations or magnetic pulses. You find that also in EM
therapy : the frequency can be carried by different kinds of waves, most of
them inaudible, as "carrier waves", but it seems a lot of meaningful
bio-active frequencies fall into the audio range, 1 to 15 000 Hz. As for
Joel, he thinks protein melodies could be played by other means, magnetic
for example, but he did not test it yet. He did work on light frequencies,
though, but it proved less effective than sound.

> imagine, a CDROM that you play on your multimedia computer..
> .it plays the correct freqs for any molecular compound (drug or medicine)
> known, evoking that effect in the body....future medicine.....future
highs too...

That's what MRI claimed, and Glen Rein, and others, but did they deliver ?
MORA therapy from Germany also does "electronic homeopathy" - EM signature
of toxic substances and remedies are memorized and replayed. On cell
cultures, Jacques Benveniste did it in France, Massimo Citro in Italy, P.C.
Endler in Austria, Cyril W. Smith in UK... Often the frequencies are
imprinted on water, more rarely transmitted directly to the body or cells.
On cells it acts instantly, but on humans the effect appear slow and subtle,
more like homeopathic remedies, no "bullet effect" like allopathic drugs.
With that in mind, I find the LSD story hard to believe... But who knows
what we could achieve in the future ?

That's all, folks (for today). Cheers to all !

Jean-Pierre Lentin