Sound the aether, and anything else I can think of.

Matthew Redmond ( (no email) )
Sun, 8 Feb 1998 14:52:42 +1300

Here are a few wacked out thoughts that I had a while ago, and also things
writing as they come filtering in from the foggy depths of my head. Which
means I wont have it all down (shame)

NOTE: I came up with most of this without reading that much information on
the subject, and what I did read were just little annoying bits and pieces,
so if anyone else knows anyone else, books, or internet sites dealing with
following then please tell me.

Some people have stated that aether is that which everything is created, or
manifested from, that everything is just combinations of this "Energy" all
compacted in to one area, be it by many "vortices" or some other obscure

However, what is attracting and holding those forces together?
My thought is that it could be what we know as sound.

If we use the Riech idea of the bion, or individual aether unit (one
individual piece of aether), then one suggestion is that as it flies around
it pulsates giving off its own sound, all be it very small. That sound may
forever stay the same, or change with its environment. (You could also say
that if they come in different sizes that this also changes its sound).

Floyd Sweet, the man that used special magnets to tap into the aether,
noted one day when he loaded up his device with lightbulbs an immense
sound, as if he were in the center of a giant whirlwind, but there was no
air movement. This was heard by his wife and others outside his
apartment. (A Canadian inventor apparently had the same experience with
their device)

We could imagine the following hypothesis. Say Sweet's device was really
sucking aether into it, through the lightbulbs, then off to do what ever it
had to do after that (either around again, to earth, I don't know).

To better see this, lets say that we have a bath (atmosphere) filled with
water (aether), and an open plug hole (device). The water starts
spiraling into the plug hole, gathering more and more speed. The more
speed that it gains the bigger the spiral. Not only that, but if you make
the hole bigger, i.e.
load up the device, there is going to be an even wider spiral with more
water rushing round and so on and so on (still not sure how this occurs).
The point is that if you loaded up the device like sweet did, you are going
to have a lot of aether rushing past, each with their own small sound but
now in a choir singing loud enough as to be heard by most people in the
surrounding area!

(side note: In the area right in the center of the spiral, i.e. just above
the device, there would be little or no aether. If gravity is just a lot
of aether vortices like some people have said, then this area will no
longer have enough aether to create normal gravity, ipso facto the device
would lose weight...which it did...down to 90% of its original weight I

In my opinion everything has its own sound, or mix of sounds (chords), the
aether units that also have an affinity with these sounds will spiral in (I
don't know why), thus when it reaches the point of the vortex, it has
compacted to form what we call matter. The process then start over, giving
a continuous system.

Of course, if you had say a rock, and created a sound that either beats or
cancels out the natural sound, would you eventually kill its source of
aether, and with no aether would that also mean no rock?

Hey I must stress that these are just ideas, not what I believe is fact.
These are just thoughts which seem to fit with each other, but its kind of
like completing a 5000 piece jig-saw puzzle of "The sky on a cloudless
day", and you find half way through that you actually have 100000 pieces
from more than the one puzzle in the same heap! (If know what I mean).

Comments please!

Interesting thought: Doesn't the bodies nerve signals travel at the speed
of sound? If so any relationships to that written above?