Re: corrected hasslberger address

Dr Jones ( )
Sat, 7 Feb 1998 17:55:06 +1300

At 12:26 6/02/98 -0900, you wrote:
>Soo sorry folks blew it on my first email corrected address for info on
>hydrogen production by electrolysis is
>site is still up just my freudian slip adding an e to Hassleberg must
>have been sexually frustrated . Marc
Actually, I like

where the author says that because if photons are responsible for light (and
not waves), and photons have mass, then energy must be expended to move
them. Because light can be seen over billions of light years, then if
photons are responsible for light then an enormous amount of energy must be
responsible to shift them. He reckons this is ridiculous and supports the
wave theory. Waves need something to travel thru, that substance is the aether.

Without getting into debates ober the red shift and doppler effects, that
idea seems to be sensible.

Dr Jones