Archie H. Blue

Bill McMurtry ( )
Sat, 07 Feb 1998 11:22:47 +1000

Hi all,

Marc Olhoeft posted an address for info regarding Archie Blue and his water
electrolysis carby unit.

Interesting document refering to this mans work and subsequent patent No.
4124463. Does anyone have any further info on this guy?

In my research meanderings I've come across quite a few water electrolysis
approaches to providing fuel for auto's. Lots of patents too. Obviously
there are NOT many practical solutions to this problem otherwise we'de hear
about them, right?

What I'de like someone to explain to me is how an auto can electrically
"crack" its own water using engine output and still have enough power left
over to take you somewhere (anywhere). Is'nt the water electrolysis process
only around 35% efficient? Does'nt make sense unless there that ol black
magic involved (maybe there is a way to achieve an effective 100%+

I'de love to run my old beasty on water. I remember my Dad (mechanic) used
to have a small tank of water hooked up to the carby of his car. He claimed
that the engine ran better and he got slightly better mileage. He always
knew when the water tank ran dry, so it must have had some effect. The car
would'nt go without gas in the tank though :)
